Then it was finding a way to decode the message so I could spelunk through it and ensure it matched what was required. I'm almost finished now - the attachments file files and byte arrays work, but the InputStream is giving me a Bad file descriptor which I think might be related to trying to read the stream multiple times, but it happens in native code so I'm not sure.
I also have to check how to check JNDI data sources and then I thought I would check the JIRAs for other issues.
A sample method looks like this:
void testSendMailViewWithTags() {
def mailService = new MailService ()
mailService.mailSender = mailSender
def ctx = RequestContextHolder.currentRequestAttributes ().servletContext
def applicationContext = ctx[GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT]
mailService.groovyPagesTemplateEngine = applicationContext.getBean (GroovyPagesTemplateEngine.BEAN_ID)
mailService.sendMail {
to ""
subject "Hello John"
body (view: '/_testemails/tagtest', model: [condition: true])
assertEquals 1, server.receivedEmailSize
MimeMessage m = new MimeMessage ((Session) null, new StringBufferInputStream (server.receivedEmails[0].toString ()))
MimeMultipart content = m.content
assertEquals 1, content.count
assertEquals 1, content.getBodyPart(0).getContent().getCount() // only 1, it should be text
assertEquals "text/plain", content.getBodyPart(0).getContent().getBodyPart(0).getContentType().split(";")[0]
assertEquals "Condition is true", content.getBodyPart(0).getContent().getBodyPart(0).getContent().trim()
mailService.sendMail {
to ""
subject "Hello John"
body (view: '/_testemails/tagtest', model: [condition: false])
assertEquals 2, server.receivedEmailSize
m = new MimeMessage ((Session) null, new StringBufferInputStream (server.receivedEmails[1].toString ()))
content = m.content
assertEquals 1, content.count
assertEquals 1, content.getBodyPart(0).getContent().getCount() // only 1, it should be text
assertEquals "text/plain", content.getBodyPart(0).getContent().getBodyPart(0).getContentType().split(";")[0]
assertEquals "", content.getBodyPart(0).getContent().getBodyPart(0).getContent().trim()